Sustainable roof coatings for a low carbon strategy | Giromax
Sustainable Roof Coatings For A Low Carbon Strategy

Sustainable roof coatings for a low carbon strategy

Did you know that Giromax still lead the market when it comes to sustainable roof coatings? Our products contain 30% less solvents on average than any competitor products. Our roof coatings also contain low metals and low isocyanates, which can be harmful to workers. Choosing a greener roof coating is one way your clients can add to their low carbon strategy, and at the same time, they could enhance their business reputation.

Myles Emmett wearing a balck shirt with Giromax Logo
9 May 2023
2 minutes

Green agendas attract funding

Climate change is a hot topic, and companies worldwide are seeking to improve their green agenda. Achieving a low-carbon status can be very challenging for certain industry sectors, but small measures can go a long way. Using more environmentally friendly products for maintaining business premises, such as roof coatings, is a viable and positive contribution.

As well as helping the planet, going green can have some financial benefits too. Businesses can tap into a wide range of sustainability and green grants to fund low-carbon innovation projects or to increase green spaces. Not only does this help to improve the environment, but it also improves the reputation of the business. Customers, suppliers and investors are increasingly seeking green credentials for companies.

It’s not just about production, it’s about protection

With any type of roof coating, there is a manufacturing process. We use less solvents, low isocyanates and low heavy metal content (often found in 2-pack PU coatings) in our products. Our solvent-less roof coatings have low VOCs, which makes them safer for the planet and the contractors who apply our products. This results in our manufacturing processes also being less harmful to people and the environment.

But it’s not just about production methods and chemical components, it’s also about the long-term protection provided by our roof coatings. This means you won’t have to use extra products to recoat the roof, saving on costs and any associated fuel used by contractors.

Our Giromax Roofcoat, for example, is a protective, industrial roof coating that can be applied using a single coat. It’s been designed to withstand significant UV exposure, snow, ice and wet weather conditions for up to 25 years. It’s also moisture tolerant, so it can be applied during damp conditions, maximising the time your contractors need to be onsite.

If you would like to know more about the environmental benefits of using Giromax products, speak to our Technical Services Managers. If you need technical guidance, please call 01455 558969.

Myles Emmett wearing a balck shirt with Giromax Logo

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