Amazon: Girosil® Delivers Treatment on Time | Giromax Technology
Amazon - Girosil® Delivers Treatment on Time

Amazon – Girosil® Delivers Treatment on Time

As part of an ongoing long term maintenance commitment, Girosil® has once again been specified and used to secure the long term performance of the roof sheet end laps. Tasked to deliver a long term treatment to sheet end cut edge corrosion at the large Amazon Distribution facility at Doncaster, fully moisture tolerant, Girosil® Edge RC-E was easily able to meet the challenges presented by this difficult to treat metal roof detail.

Girosil® Edge RC-E was recently renamed. You can enjoy the same great results with Giromax® Edgecoat.

  • Project

    Profiled Sheet Cut Edge Corrosion

  • Problem

    Cut Edge Corrosion

  • Specifier

    Watts Group PLC (Leeds)

  • Contractor

    Doncaster Maintenance Ltd Tel: 0845 257 8101

  • Specification

    Doncaster Maintenance Ltd Tel: 0845 257 8101

  • Size

    4,500 Linear Meters


The metal roof at a large Amazon Distribution facility in Doncaster was experiencing a problem with peel back and lap joint corrosion. A long-term treatment for the sheet end cut edge corrosion was required.


Girosil® Edge RC-E provided a moisture tolerant coating system with advanced cut edge corrosion control. The system was easily able to meet the challenges presented by this difficult to treat metal roof detail.

Girosil® Edge RC-E

Girosil® Edge RC-E has been specifically developed to supersede the design limitations of older silicone treatments by overcoming both dependence on moisture free corrosion control and a vulnerability to impact and abrasion damage, especially from bird attack.

Fully moisture tolerant, Girosil® can be applied to wet surfaces, removing application restrictions and performance limitations. Girosil® can easily accommodate sheet movement and remains unaffected by UV and temperature, achieving robust lap edge encapsulation by hardening to a tough elastic coat with high impact absorption and damage resistance.

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Documents selected (13 downloads)
Giromax® Data sheets + Specifications, Girocote Data sheets.